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Humic Vs Fulvic Acid

Humic acids are large molecules, the molecular size of which ranges from 10,000 to 100,000. They are dark in color and combine mixtures of carbon chains and carbon rings. (In addition to carbon, they also contain oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and phosphorus.)

The exact composition of humic molecules varies depending on the source. They are not soluble in water in acidic conditions, but they are in alkaline solutions. Humic acids work best in the soil, where they easily unlock and bind nutrients, making them available for plants to take up. And they chelate toxic metals, preventing harmful material from entering the plant. In addition, they stimulate microbial activity in the soil, increase water retention, and stimulate root and shoot growth. They also act as a dilator, increasing the permeability of the plant cell wall so that nutrients can be absorbed. They are all ground stars, an essential component of every ground environment that helps the whole system work better.

Humic acids can be thought of as pathways, bridges, and tunnels that allow essential exchanges between the plant and the soil. (Although humic acids work best in soil, they are also vital in foliar applications, because they increase plant cell wall permeability, which in turn increases nutrient uptake.)


Humic and fulvic acids are humic substances (along with humin). However, there are some key differences that affect your benefits and how each is best applied. In short, they vary in carbon and oxygen content, acidity, degree of polymerization, molecular weight, and color.

Humic acids are large molecules that work best in soil to provide an optimal growing environment. Fulvic acids are much smaller molecules that work well in both foliar and soil applications, where they transfer vital nutrients across the plant cell membrane. They work together to help boost plant support and increase crop yields.


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